This is the title of the Online Photography Exhibition that Home-Start Hellas orgainises with the purpose of fundraising and promoting its work. The Exhibition will last from the 5th of December 2020 until the 31st of January 2021.
30 acknowledged Greek photographers generously have offered a photograph in support of the goals of Home-Start Hellas. The photographs have been posted on the online art sales platform:
The collaborating photographers, to whom Home-Start Hellas expresses its gratitude, are in alphabetical order:
Vassilis Artikos, Angel Barai, Aristea Boulouxi, Sissy Davri, Costas Delhas, Diran Kalaydjian, Garo Kalaydjian, Panagiotis Kalkavouras, Nevi Kaninia , Kalliopi Katsidonioti, Nelli Kritikopoulou, Dora Lavazou , Jenny Lykourezou, Timos Lytras, Maria Malliou, Vassilis Manikas, Nikos Megrelis, Anastasia Michailoglou, Lia Petala, Constantin Pittas, Elena Pitta, Rene Revah, Tasos Schizas, Magdalene Theochari, Ian Troullinos, Stefania Tsoupaki, Loukas Vasilikos, Alexandros Voutsas, Andreas Zacharatos, Flora Zafeiraki
The choice of December the 5th, a date dedicated to volunteerism, as the opening date of the Exhibition is not accidental, as the value of offering to and from people characterizes both the field of volunteerism and the field of art. The curator of the exhibition, Giannis Giannakopoulos, states in his note:
"In art you learn to create, to share, to offer.
If you ask volunteers what volunteering means for them or how they can transfer their knowledge about volunteering, most will answer "you have to live it in order to understand it".
Volunteering is inextricably linked to the needs, dreams, ethos of every person who strives for a better life, a better future and a better society in which he lives and develops.
The 30 Photographers / Volunteers share the art of photography and teach us through their excellent images to share. Like children who know how to share".
We invite everyone to follow the example of the photographers and become another link in the chain of solidarity by buying one or more photos. Buying a photo that touched you, for you or as a gift for a loved one, in the approaching holidays or even later becomes a gift for a child in need.
All of us, in this special period we are going through, some more and some less, unprecedented situations and difficulties. In such circumstances, we realize the meaning but also the power of solidarity and of practical support. Families and children supported by Home-Start Hellas need our support today, more than ever!

Exhibition Curator: Giannis Giannakopoulos, MA Arts in Design, Photography Teacher / Photojournalist
Graphic design: Elena Georgiadou, graphic designer, photographer
Organizing team: Theano Manoudaki, sociologist / photographer, Oia Fetsi, economist / amateur photographer, Evi Hatzivarnava, Home-Start Hellas representative
Communication sponsors: ΜΕΤΑpolis, iFocus, Carnet de Voyage, Photoeidolo,, Street Press “ΗΠΖ”
According to Vsual Gallery, the provision of photos with a frame is not available outside USA.
The selling price of each photo is determined by the size and print quality that each buyer chooses.
The net sales revenue is available exclusively for the promotion of the objectives of Home-Start Hellas.
A few words about Home-Start Hellas
Home-Start Hellas is a non-profit organization. Its main objective is to be next to families who at some point in their lives need a "friend". Someone who will support them and help them stand on their own two feet, gain confidence and improve their parenting skills. Volunteers, usually parents, who are carefully selected, trained and supervised in their work by a professional give their time and energy to act as supporters in these families -parents and children- and to confirm that where there is solidarity there is hope for a better world.
Theano Manoudaki
+30 6976408205